Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tips to Get Rid of Dark Circles Beneath the Eyes

By Anika Z. Wagstaff

Eyes are a very important feature on the person's face thus, you must ensure that they are always kept healthy. One common problem that many people experience is the appearance of dark circles under the eyes that make one look significantly older than they are.

This may be due to various factors such as age, genetics, nasal congestion, poor diet, lack of sleep, vitamin deficiency or seasonal allergies. This implies that the dark circles could be inherited or happen as a result of loosening of collagen. There are several remedies of how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. First of all, you must ensure that you get enough sleep at night. It is because not sleeping enough results in reduced circulation of blood around the eyes while the skin becomes pale thereby increasing the visibility of the darkness.

On average, you need to ensure that you sleep for around seven to nine hours even though this varies from one person to the other. Where necessary, you also need to ensure that you include the vitamins that enhance the quality of sleeps as well as the functions of the adrenal glands like vitamin K, A and E. Generally, eating a nutritious balanced diet and taking a lot of fluids is a great step towards restoring the glow of your eyes.

A natural remedy of how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes is by closing your eyes and placing thick slices of cucumber over them while covering the dark circles too. This remedy, which should be done daily for up to fifteen minutes, not only reduces puffiness but also refreshes the appearance of the skin surrounding your eyes. Alternatively, you could use ice cubes that are wrapped in a soft cloth or cool tea bags by applying them to your eyes while lying down. Tea bags are used because the tannin that is present in the tea reduces discoloration and swelling. A potato and a frozen spoon may also be used.

Apart from the natural means of how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes discussed above, you could also opt for a cosmetic approach by applying eye creams that contain retinol and vitamin K. This will work well where the circles are a result of vitamin deficiency by reducing puffiness as well as the discoloration.

In addition, you may also consider using a concealer that camouflages the dark circles. In summary, the appearance of dark circles under eyes is a sign of a breakdown in the system and also impacts on our appearance hence the need to deal with it. This can be eliminated through the employing both natural and cosmetic remedies.

All the different remedies have their unique merits. You have to do your own research to learn more of which method will work best for you. However, it is also very important to learn how to prevent these dark circles from appearing in the first place. The most effective mean of prevention is to get a lot of sleep and not just a couple of hours when you feel like you have time.

Most people require a minimum of seven to nine hours of sleep everyday to be able to stay focus and alert. Stress can also cause dark circles and so stressful situations should be avoided if possible and this is where movies can help you relax and rejuvenate the body, spirit, and mind. Another factor that can worsen your dark circles is allergies. Here, medications will work wonder and keep your eyes or nose from being uncomfortable. Lastly, not drinking enough water can cause dark circles to appear as well.

Thus, I fully understand how you really feel. The dark circles can easily be a huge difficulty and I know if you're really distressed for a treatment.

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